Museums are social places. They thrive on and with the people who visit them. This applies in particular to a Jewish Museum. Our predecessor institution, the Museum Jüdischer Altertümer founded in 1922, was mainly the result of a private initiative. And our current Jewish Museum, founded in 1988, is also reliant on private involvement. To be able to continue to collect Jewish cultural exhibits and design a programme towards promoting a tolerant and open society, we need you at our side as partners.
Klaus Mangold also on behalf of Baron David and Baron Eric de Rothschild„We explicitly support the Jewish Musuem’s aim of making Jewish life past and present come alive for visitors. This is more important than ever at a time when anti-Semitism and resentment towards all that is foreign are threating to become socially acceptable again.“
Why not become one of our friends and sponsors!
If you would like to enter into close contact with us, take a stand, or network with other dedicated people, then membership in the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer des Jüdischen Museums e. V. is just the thing for you. You can choose between becoming either a member, a friend, a sponsor or even a partner. Should you just wish to support the work of the museum, then your donation would be more than welcome.
Donation of Objects
You may also donate items that you would like to preserve for future generations to the museum! The collection is the heart of any museum. To build up and expand the collection is a particularly urgent task for a Jewish Museum in Germany after the Shoah. So much has been irretrievably lost. At the same time, a many-voiced Jewish present has emerged. To further expand our collection we are dependent on your creativity and your generosity. Would you be willing to hand over Jewish cultural items (for example, paintings, ceremonial objects, special written witnesses, etc.) to our museum? Or would you like to join us in collecting testimonies to contemporary Jewish culture? We would be glad to inform you about foundations and donations or to provide you with advice, should you have questions about your collector’s items.

Share your knowledge with us and our visitors!
Our museum also thrives on your dedication. Do you like to read old manuscripts and printed works? Do you enjoy being together with like-minded people? Then you are very welcome at the museum. Our spacious new building will accommodate our library and our archive. We would like to manage our holdings so that they can be used in the future by as many people as possible. Would you be willing to support us in this by helping with transcriptions, inventories and other activities free of charge? Or are you more a sociable, outgoing extrovert person? In that case we could certainly use your help in our new spacious entrance area.
We are always glad to welcome volunteers. Your interest counts! Please feel free to contact us: