KIgA e.V.—Kreuzberg Initiative Against Anti-Semitism in Berlin
The educational provider KIgA e.V. develops innovative concepts for a pedagogical approach to anti-Semitism in migrant societies. Since 2003, the KIgA team has been developing educational concepts and materials on the topics of anti-Semitism, Islam, Islamism, anti-Muslim racism, and political historical education that are tailored for the migrant society, particularly adolescents and young adults who have been socialized as Muslims. In addition, KIgA trains multipliers and provides stimulus for informed debates.
response—Advice for Those Affected by Right-wing, Racist, and Anti-Semitic Violence
Response is an advisory service of the Anne Frank Educational Center. The Response team supports people affected by right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, or antiziganist violence. Advice is offered to victims, relatives, and friends as well as people who have witnessed an attack, independent of criminal prosecution.
Democracy Center Hessen

The Democracy Center Hessen is part of the beratungsNetzwerk hessen—gemeinsam für Demokratie und gegen Rechtsextremismus (advisory network hesse—together for democracy and against right-wing extremism) and is affiliated with the Institute of Educational Science at the Philipps University of Marburg. The network’s teams advise schools, parents, family members, municipalities, associations, and anyone seeking help across Hesse following incidents motivated by right-wing, anti-Semitic, or racist sentiment. The Democracy Center acts as an office that provides needed contacts across Germany and coordinates and documents consultation, networking, and prevention on the topics of right-wing extremism and Salafism; it also promotes democracy in Hesse.
OFEK—Advice and Support Following Anti-Semitic Incidents

OFEK is the advisory center at the Berlin-based Kompetenzzentrum für Prävention und Empowerment (Competence Center for Prevention and Empowerment). A department of the Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland (Central Welfare Board of Jews in Germany, ZWST), OFEK’s chief role is to offer free advice following anti-Semitic incidents. OFEK provides individual counseling, group counseling, and interventions, and supports those affected and their social environment nationwide, as well as educational and social institutions dealing with anti-Semitism and discrimination.
Stop Anti-Semitism

The website https://www.stopanti-Semitismus.de/ provides information about anti-Semitism in everyday life and supports people who’d like to get involved but don’t know where to find help and information. It offers tips on how to react to anti-Semitic remarks—on the bus or soccer field, at school, in the office, or in a personal conversation. It includes an extensive database with contact points on all aspects of anti-Semitism. The portal, to date the only one of its kind, is the result of a joint effort among nationwide initiatives against anti-Semitism, including individuals from the fields of education and science, representatives of the Central Council of Jews and the Central Council of Muslims, as well as prominent figures from civil society and the media.
Hessen Against Extremism
For many years, prominent figures of the state and civil society in Hessen have been successfully fighting anti-Semitism, xenophobia, racism, and extremism. The Hessian Information and Competence Center Against Extremism (HKE) was set up under the aegis of the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sport (HMdIS) to coordinate the various activist alliances more centrally and clearly, and consequently more quickly. The HKE is the point of contact for questions about existing programs and projects for state and civic organizations, offers advice on funding opportunities, and supports networking activities.
Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus Hessen (RIAS Hessen)
Die Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus Hessen (RIAS Hessen) ist angebunden an das Demokratiezentrum Hessen an der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Es widmet sich in erster Linie der Unterstützung der von antisemitischen Vorfällen Betroffenen und der Dokumentation sowie Analyse des Antisemitismus in Hessen. Es bietet eine Anlaufstelle für Betroffene, Angehörige sowie Bekannte von Betroffenen als auch für Zeug:innen und Personen, die anderweitig von antisemitischen Vorfällen Kenntnis erlangt haben. Darüber hinaus ist RIAS Hessen ist auch in Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, basierend auf einem breiten Netzwerk, aktiv.