Tue 04/04/23 18:00 o'clock
Event location: Jewish Museum Frankfurt, Bertha-Pappenheim-Platz 1, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
They are among the first women to celebrate success as artists in Frankfurt: Erna Pinner, Rosy Lilienfeld, Amalie Seckbach and Ruth Cahn. In the wild 1920s, their works are noticed internationally and their studios are visited. With their exhibitions and travels, the four cosmopolitans get to know Europe and the world. The takeover of power by the National Socialists puts an end to their careers. They were persecuted as Jews, their works ostracized - and forgotten after the end of the Second World War. The exhibition "Back into the Light" finally brings them back into the public eye.
Participation is free. The tour takes place via Zoom. Your guide will be Annika Friedman, Co-curator of the exhibition. You will receive the access data after registration at: onlineredaktion@juedischesmuseum.de
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